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Class Schedule

Classroom with desks

Regular School Days

Monday - Thursday



PeriodBeginEnd PeriodBeginEnd
18:00 AM8:50 AM18:00 AM8:48 AM
28:55 AM9:45 AM28:53 AM9:35 AM
39:50 AM10:40 AM39:40 AM10:22 AM
410:45 AM11:35 AM410:27 AM11:09 AM
Mentoring11:40 AM12:10 PM511:14 AM12:56 PM
Lunch12:10 PM12:40 PMLunch11:56 AM12:26 PM
512:45 PM1:35 PM612:31 PM1:13 PM
61:40 PM2:30 PM71:18 PM2:00 PM
72:35 PM3:25 PMStaff PD2:05 PM4:00 PM

Abbreviated Days

Half Day - Early Dismissal Late Start - Weather Delay
PeriodBeginEnd PeriodBeginEnd
18:00 AM8:27 AMSafe Travel7:30 AM9:30 AM
28:30 AM8:57 AM110:00 AM10:40 AM
39:00 AM9:27 AM210:45 AM11:22 AM
49:30 AM9:57 AM311:27 AM12:04 PM
510:00 AM10:27 AMLunch12:04 PM12:34 PM
610:30 AM10:57 AM412:39 PM1:16 PM
711:00 AM11:27 AM51:21 PM1:58 PM
Lunch11:30 AM12:00 PM62:03 PM2:40 PM
   72:45 PM3:25 PM



Daily Parent Drop off & Pick up in Personal Vehicle

  • Alternately, parent can provide their own transportation of their immediate family members. Families will be held to entry policy for parent, student and visitors.
  • Parents load and unload students on the North side of the gym during the school day. Personal vehicles should not be mixed in with the school bus or school loading zone. Parents will wait in their car for both drop-off and pick up of students. Once the student name and arrival time is recorded, they may enter the building.
  • Parents cannot leave students on the school campus, unattended, without their student first being checked in by school front office staff employee for entry to school.
  • COVID-19 is still a real threat to our community and school. Should your child or members of your family (living within your household) have symptoms of COVID-19, complete the following:
    a) Complete a home test kit, they can be picked up at IHS.
    b) Keep your child home for five days, if they test positive.
    c) Call the school to make them aware of illness (if more than three days absent, a doctors note is required). 
    d) Students with COVID-19 symptoms will not be allowed to get on the bus.

After School Events

For all approved afterschool events, including sports - each activity will be scheduled, and the times of operation must be adhered to. Notification to appropriate offices/departments will be followed.

Sports Activities:

  • Parents must adhere to the guidelines set by the league.
  • Parents need to pick up students on time after practice.
  • The coach, athletic director and principal will establish guidelines for practice.

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